by Tara McClintick | Jan 21, 2017 | Attitude and Integrity, Autism, Challenging Behaviors, Communication and Education, Planning for Success, Supporting Child Development
When someone perceives the world differently than you, how is it possible to connect? How do you communicate with someone that does not seem to understand you? And you, in turn, do not understand him/her? A Story about Michael My very first teaching position was for...
by Tara McClintick | Jan 21, 2017 | Attitude and Integrity, Autism, Challenging Behaviors, Communication and Education, Planning for Success, Supporting Child Development
Interaction Series – Part 2 of 12 What assumptions have you already made from the title “Banish Boredom Forever”? Maybe you’re thinking “impossible!” or “I’m too busy to be bored.” How to Drop Assumptions Curiosity sets the stage for this month’s interaction...
by Tara McClintick | Dec 6, 2016 | Attitude and Integrity, Autism, Challenging Behaviors, Communication and Education, Planning for Success, Supporting Child Development
Interaction Series – Part 1 of 12 Interaction – noun. Mutual or reciprocal action or influence. The Best Gifts in Life are Free They’re available everyday. Interaction is one of those gifts! As you ponder the interaction ideas that will be presented...
by Tara McClintick | Jan 10, 2011 | Attitude and Integrity, Autism, Communication and Education, Planning for Success, Supporting Child Development
One of the most important aspects of working with children who have special needs is working towards goals. When progress towards a goal isn’t made, it can be discouraging (to say the least!) featured this post in their Pediatric Therapy Corner to share...
by Tara McClintick | Jul 21, 2010 | Attitude and Integrity, Autism, Book Benefits for Adults, Book Reviews, Books and Poetry, Challenging Behaviors, Communication and Education, Planning for Success, Supporting Child Development
a book review of Son-Rise by Barry Neil Kaufman Summary: Son-Rise is a true story about Raun Kaufman, who as a child displayed all the symptoms and was diagnosed with severe autism. “Bears” and Samahria Kaufman had two daughters prior to the birth of Raun. Also...
by Guest Blogger | Jan 13, 2010 | Attitude and Integrity, Autism, Challenging Behaviors, Communication and Education, Planning for Success, Spiritual, Supporting Child Development
The power of thoughts and feelings in reaching children with autism by Steven R. Wertz and Kaitryn S. Wertz – Reprinted with permission Ten-year-old Brian was profoundly autistic. As I sat with him, he repetitively twirled a piece of tissue between his fingers,...
by Tara McClintick | Nov 21, 2009 | Attitude and Integrity, Autism, Book Benefits for Children, Books and Poetry, Challenging Behaviors, Communication and Education, Planning for Success, Supporting Child Development
This was written to introduce the books to the readers of – a blog that reviews and discusses books, games, and toys that are beneficial for children on the autism spectrum. This article is an informative, brief summary of how the...
by Tara McClintick | May 20, 2009 | Attitude and Integrity, Autism, Challenging Behaviors, Communication and Education, Health, Health Challenges, Nutrition Awareness and Discussion, Planning for Success, Spiritual, Supporting Child Development, Vaccines and Other Issues
Original Post May 20, 2009 at Is autism a genetic condition? The scientific evidence definitely shows genetics are involved. The fact that males are diagnosed at a ratio of 4:1 to females points to a genetic piece. Identical twins...
by Tara McClintick | Mar 21, 2009 | Attitude and Integrity, Autism, Challenging Behaviors, Communication and Education, Health, Health Challenges, Nutrition Awareness and Discussion, Planning for Success, Supporting Child Development, Vaccines and Other Issues
Original Post March 19, 2009 at You probably already know that autism is growing. A 6,000% increase, 1 in 150 children, 1 in 94 boys – the statistics are steadily rising. This is a journey we are all on, even though many are not...