The key factor in connecting with each other as human beings is establishing a communicative point – a common point of interest and focus where two or more minds meet. BOOKS by Tara make a reference point easier to establish by slowing down our fast-paced world.
BOOKS by Tara were designed to conversation books, and they are perfect to use for dialogic reading. This technique has been extensively studied as a proven way to promote attention, thinking, language development, and reading skills.
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“I just wanted to tell you that I received the books from processing today and there were already holds on the newer titles that we didn’t have! I think my favorite of the four we didn’t have is The Sign Says NO, the rhyme is just adorable and I can’t wait to start using it with my groups.”
–Lorie, Children’s Librarian
“Wow! We LOVE LOVE LOVE your Green book! The children were so able to relate to the photos.”
–Melanie, Our Place Preschool; Discovery Bay, CA
“Wow, how cool, kids with Autism would love these books!… I LOVE the books!.. I really dig what you’re doing.”
–Jenn, Son-Rise Mom, Q102 Morning Show deejay (WKRQ FM Cincinnati), Ohio
“Your books are creative, innovative, and an outstanding resource for parents, teachers, home visitors, grandparents, and anyone who enjoys a great book.”
–Stephanie Patriarco, Director of Ashtabula County Head Start, Ohio