Book Benefits for Adults

Just One Book: Nourishing Traditions

Just One Book: Nourishing Traditions

a book review of Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon is one book that helped me understand the relationship between food and our bodies, and the importance of protecting our freedom to choose foods produced with more than...

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Providing for Autism: A Look into One Mother and Author’s Life

Providing for Autism: A Look into One Mother and Author’s Life

Greta Schraer is one of the professional nannies who blogs for – a national blog committed to providing resources for a strong, professional nanny foundation. This post features 5 intriguing questions regarding Tara’s insights about...

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Book Review: Son-Rise

Book Review: Son-Rise

a book review of Son-Rise by Barry Neil Kaufman Summary:  Son-Rise is a true story about Raun Kaufman, who as a child displayed all the symptoms and was diagnosed with severe autism. “Bears” and Samahria Kaufman had two daughters prior to the birth of Raun. Also...

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