“Time to make the snowman’s head
Put it on the tippy top
Now his body’s complete…but BARE!
There’s more to do, not time to stop “
The classic snowman is a winter highlight! After a decent snowfall, the cheerful sight of this frosty formation seems to pop up like magic in people’s yards. It’s not quite magic, and kids love to learn the actual process of making a snowman. See and discuss each of the basic steps. A poem explains it all, and adds to the fun. Enjoy this Snowman any time of year!
All books are the same size (8.5 x 11”), 20 pages in length, and formatted in a similar style except when otherwise noted. For example, some books have sound effects written on pages, additional pages, or the poem throughout.
Kat, Loveland, OH –
I love it! It will go to my granddaughter, Jillian, out in Virginia. Her mom and Dad will love it !!!