“Pick out a pumpkin
Just the right size
How the face turns out
Will be a surprise! “
A fantastic Jack-O-Lantern doesn’t just happen – it takes some WORK! No worries, work can be FUN, and the resulting possibilities are endless. This book pictorially illustrates the entire process. It also includes a line or two of the descriptive, bouncing poem throughout. Enjoy this Halloween highlight anytime of year!!!
All books are the same size (8.5 x 11”), 20 pages in length, and formatted in a similar style except when otherwise noted. For example, some books have sound effects written on pages, additional pages, or the poem throughout.
Mariah, home-schooling mom to Charis, Rowan and Aletheia –
I’d like to order 2 books for Christmas gifts for my kids this year: Snowman and Autumn Leaves. I think these will be a great addition to our home-schooling curriculum. They love the books we got earlier this year. I’m so sick of Jack-O-Lantern…but they ask for it daily. The book is great…I’m just sick of reading it every day. We have like 200 kids books in our house…and Jack-O-Lantern trumps them all.
Will, grandpa –
Your Jack-O-Lantern book is very cool. It’s perfect for toddlers; brightly colored and it moves along, he doesn’t get bored.