by Tara McClintick | Oct 26, 2020 | Autism, Conversations with Jake, Conversations with Mom, Spiritual
To start our sessions now I usually give Jake the option of choosing what we will do (i.e.”do you have an idea for today?”) or if he wants me to give him choices. Today he pointed to the “J” on the letter board indicating had an idea, so I...
by Jake McClintick | Mar 8, 2019 | Autism, Challenging Behaviors, Conversations with Jake, Spiritual, Story of My Life by Jake
Story of My Life Pt. #15 by Jake McClintick 3/08/2019 Not always make angry faces at myself in mirror anymore. God is helping me to have security I never had before. This is my home to make love stronger than stupid hate in my heart. My top reason I am alive is...