Conversations with Mom
Jake’s 10 Good Thoughts
Jake struggles off and on with what he continually refers to as "lies," "bad thoughts," or "evil thoughts." These can be quite persistent in taking over his mind, and I can usually tell when he is struggling because he will start telling himself "NO!" out loud,...
Jake Discusses Watching Movies (and Autism)
Jake and I have been practicing having casual conversations via the letter board. Since he was not able to converse for the first two decades of his life, I figured practicing would be a good idea. Here I numbered a list of 24 common casual conversation topics. I had...
Jake’s Valentine’s Day Sentences
To end our RPM session today I had made a list of 20 Valentine's day words: Valentine’s Day Love February Care Hug Adore Affection Kiss Warm Heart Pink Red Snuggle Cozy Like Cookies Sweet Dear Honey Cherish Jake's Sentences via letter board (words from above are in...
Jake’s “Sometimes” Sentences via Letter Board
After our RPM sessions one practice exercise we sometimes end with is for Jake to complete sentences. For these sentences all began with the word "sometimes" (given starting phrase in bold print, Jake's words follow): SOMETIMES 1. Sometimes when I wake up I not happy...
Autism, Intelligence, Target, and Little Kid Stares
Autism and Intelligence Conversation on July 19, 2018Jake and I had a nice discussion today (via letterboard and RPM) when I started asking him about the book we've been reading called "Out of My Mind." The story is about a girl who can't walk or talk fluently and...